Saturday, January 24, 2009

When I'm sixty-four (or thirty)...

In order to form a more perfect union between me and my job, I must explore my field of work. I must explain that my career will more than likely involve a series of jobs that will not be permanent. But as I understand that I will more than likely be moving around quite a bit in my early career, I realize that more doors will open for me. Therefore, I will be focusing more time on my professional career as I enter the workforce than my personal life. I wish it did not have to be like this, but I believe that if I will put time into my industry early, I will be rewarded in the future with a successful, steady job at which point I will be able to live my personal life to my liking.
In ten years, I am hoping to have settled down in one job that will allow me to focus on personal matters such as starting a family. Additionally, if I have not settled down, I will plan on trying to find a stable job. As a golf pro, I will need to accept certain things as part of my life. Such aspects include the loss of weekends (as that is the busiest time of your business), and adjustments to a seasonal position (if I choose to look for work up north, where I am originally from). As for where I would like to live, I am on the fence. The northeast is my home and is the source of the industry's highest paying jobs. I know that money isn't everything, but the budget of a golf pro is tight as it is, so the extra bucks may impact my decision. Also, these positions are usually seasonal, so I would have to figure out what to do with the extra few months when it becomes frigid and snowy. However, after my schooling in the great state of South Carolina, I have learned the wondrous qualities of the south. The people and attitudes down here are hard to match, for sure. If I were to decide right now, I would go up north when I enter the workforce. The main basis for this is that I would want to be close to my roots and core values and family as I am returning from intermission and starting a new act in the play I call my life.
In conclusion, I would like to work in the golf industry, preferably in the northeast, where I can establish strong connections, while staying connected to my family and core roots. I would consider the possibly of working in the "off-season" down south, so I could have the best of both worlds. As far as the "lifestyle" I would like to live, I would love to start a family when I am ready and stable and steady eddy. However, I do reckon that this may take some time to establish myself in the professional world.
As for now, I am living my life one day at a time and not focusing too hard on the future because you really have no idea what life might have in store for you. So until that day comes,..

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